There are lots of helpful websites which offer information, support and guidance on a wide range of health and care issues, including advice on how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

ADHD diagnosis & treatment policy

Contraception choices

Consent for IUS

Coil fit consent form

Coil fit after care

Dogs Trust - Useful information about rehoming dogs after the owner's death

Dementia guide - NHS (

Hayfever info

Harrogate cancer information and support service

Health Watch

Jury service

Implant consent form

Implant after care

Kooth for Children & Young People - Kooth plc

Learning disabilities - NHS (

Local Care Agencies


NHS 111

Meet The Team at MINT — Men In Need Together

Out Together


Patients Association

Patient UK – Health Information

Statutory Sick Pay Form(pdf)


Travel Vaccine information

Type2 diabetes-SGLT2 inhibators information




Leeds  Age UK have released some additional information to help if you feel you may be at risk of been scammed. Please see the attached flyer for more information.


These links are provided in good faith and the Practice cannot take responsibility for the content of any of these sites.


Friends & Family Test

Friends and Family Test

We welcome patient feedback to tell us what we are doing right and what we can improve.

You may receive a text message after your appointment asking for feedback, alternatively you could send us your feedback using the contact us option on our website or post or email the form to us.

NHS Healthchecks

NHS health check poster

We offer a free NHS Health Check which is a check-up for adults aged between 40-74, looking for risks of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. Please speak to a Receptionist for further information.

Opening times

Chevin Medical Practice - Otley & Bramhope
01943 858300

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

How to find us

Community Clinics

Chevin Community Clinic Bramhope
0113 230 3206 - Secretaries Team

9.30am - 1.00pm