If you need to contact the Community Clinic Secretaries regarding an EXISTING appointment or a query please call the Patient Telephone Line on (0113) 230 3206 between 9.30 am to 1 pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can use our email address chevinmedical.communityclinic@nhs.net

Our Consultant-led ENT Clinic has been running successfully for a number of years. We have a wealth of experience in this specialty coupled with high patient satisfaction levels.

Our General Practitioners with a Special Interest (GPSIs) in ENT are Dr Brett Salmons. Mr Lindsey Knight is the ENT Surgeon aligned to the service.

We treat the following conditions:

All general ear, nose & throat for ages over 5 years


Nasal obstruction of foreign bodies in the nose

Nasal pain


Acute sinusitis

Nasal polyps

Recurrent epistaxis

Allergic rhinitis

Nasal blockage and discharge


Wax impaction

Facial pain


Vertigo/disorders of balance

Ear pain

Ear trauma

Persistent ear discharge

Hearing problems

Lesions in ears

Otitis externa

Acute and chronic medial/cholesteatoma


Mastoid cavity care

Hearing loss

Ear discharge

Dizziness and imbalance

Laryngology (including SALT)

Recurrent sore throat

Swallowing difficulties

ENT-specific voice problems

Snoring and sleep apnoea

Lesions in mouth or throat

Audio assessments

Adult diagnostics audiology

Paediatric diagnostic audiology

We perform the following procedures:

  • Microsuction
  • Nasendoscopy
  • Nasal Cautery

Please note the following exclusions:

  • Children under 5 years old
  • Cancer 2 week rule 

Friends & Family Test

Friends and Family Test

We welcome patient feedback to tell us what we are doing right and what we can improve.

You may receive a text message after your appointment asking for feedback, alternatively you could send us your feedback using the contact us option on our website or post or email the form to us.

NHS Healthchecks

NHS health check poster

We offer a free NHS Health Check which is a check-up for adults aged between 40-74, looking for risks of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. Please speak to a Receptionist for further information.

Opening times

Chevin Medical Practice - Otley & Bramhope
01943 858300

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

How to find us

Community Clinics

Chevin Community Clinic Bramhope
0113 230 3206 - Secretaries Team

9.30am - 1.00pm