eConsult Triage for today is now CLOSED
Due to extremely high demand, unfortunately, all our appointments for today are now full.
Your safety is our main concern.
Please see the options below to help you get the care you need in the appropriate time frame.
If you require urgent care for today there are four options.
Option 1
If you need immediate medical assistance or you feel your condition is life threatening then please hang up and call 999 now.
Option 2
If you have a minor illness such as a sore throat, cough, cystitis or earache please attend any of the Pharmacies in Otley, Bramhope or the surrounding areas, where their highly trained Pharmacists can offer their expert advice.
Option 3
If the patient has a minor injury or minor illness that needs treating today, except those under the age of 2 or those over the age of 65 who have a head injury or anyone with a pregnancy related health condition, you should call or visit Wharfedale Urgent Treatment centre based at Wharfedale Hospital in Otley. If it is regarding a minor illness it is advised that you call them first via 111. Another Urgent Treatment Centres is available at St Georges Centre Urgent Treatment Centre, Middleton Leeds.
Option 4
You can also call 111 if any of the above options do not fulfil your care needs or your care needs are outside of the usual Practice opening hours of 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
If the above options do not fulfil your requirements you can still call the Practice and speak with Reception however, please be aware that all appointments for today are now full and Reception may still direct towards the options stated above
If you need any help with booking your appointments, please let us know how we can arrange large print documents or sign language interpreters.
We are mindful of carers' circumstances when arranging appointments. Please let us know if you have any special requirements and we will do our best to assist you.
Cancelling an Appointment
If you are unable to attend a planned appointment, please cancel this as soon as you are aware by calling the surgery or cancelling online. Appointment slots are valuable and all missed appointments mean that another patient has been inconvenienced and a cost to the NHS.
Please note we cannot accept appointment requests sent via email.
To request a sick or fit note please use the e-Consult form on the homepage and do an admin request.
We welcome feedback from good experiences as well as bad.
If you have a compliment, complaint or concern about the service you have received, please let us know.
You can do this by phoning the Practice, by writing via email to
This patient information leaflet provides guidance for self-isolating with suspected COVID-19, including where to find support, how to arrange a test, and advice for women who are pregnant or who have recently given birth.