Pharmacies across Leeds are now offering a service called Pharmacy First, also known as a Minor Ailment Scheme to patients who are registered with a GP Practice in Leeds.
The Pharmacy First Service gives you the option of visiting your local pharmacist for minor ailments, the advice is always free and where necessary they are able to supply medicines (free of charge to those exempt from prescription charges).
The service reduces the need for you to make an appointment with your local GP, use an out of hours NHS service or visit A&E.
Many pharmacies across Leeds are open until late and at weekends, which is also very useful if you start to feel unwell with one of the minor ailments included in Pharmacy First scheme. You don’t need an appointment to access this service.
The following minor ailments are included in Pharmacy First:
- Cough
- Cold
- Earache
- Sore throat
- Thread worms
- Teething
- Athletes foot
- Dehydration
- Thrush
- Hay fever
- Fever
- Blocked Nose
- Sprain or Strain
- Head Lice
- Indigestion